
Archive for the ‘Potatoes’ Category

Mid-morning snack: More tea and banana bread.
Lunch: Leftover baked veggies (Japanese yams, potatoes, carrots, onions) on a bed of salad greens

At work I like to have either New Age (Sky FM) or Classical (KMFA 89.5) playing on my computer….New Age makes for great background music, but well, sometimes, it’s very kooky, and I have to smile. The one song that just finished playing had dogs barking and owls hooting. Hahahaha!

Green heart:
Today I finished a second draft for a student pre-departure handbook, and I printed it out on paper that had already been printed on one side before.

Tonight I will post some of the meals from the weekend—and the recipe for Kale Chips, which I have just discovered and will try desperately to get you to make them, because they are just that amazing!

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To-do list status:
run 6.2 miles at Town Lake
get truck we are borrowing for the alleged* move
do a major apartment cleaning/purge before we move (*assuming we are moving! still not definite!)
-creative writing assignments

Can we say PRODCUTIVE?!?!?! The highlight of the day was getting rid of tons and tons of papers that had accumulated in our filing cabinet. Once I got started I couldn’t stop—there was some major purging going on. Good purging. I also got together a decent stack of clothes to donate to Goodwill. Finally. (I’ve probably told myself, “Well, I might need that if…” a million times. It’s time to face reality that I will never wear that again!)….It’s not over yet though. There’s still more purging to do, but today was a great start.

The only thing left on my list is the creative writing assignment that is due tomorrow for my online class. I’m trying to decide between that and the updates I need to do to  my blog. I’m leaning towards the assignment–I didn’t do last week’s. (It’s ok–I’m auditing the class. You get to choose to do fun stuff like NOT doing homework!) But what’s the point in being in the class if I’m not going to work at it? Ahh-haa…..

Dinner: Leftover milanesa and mashed potatoes, and a salad.

I’m off to write creatively…..

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Refreshed. Great night’s sleep! I fell asleep on the couch (again) after dinner…..crawled into a real bed around 10:00, woke up this morning at 9:00. Ahhhh!

Speaking of dinner….last night was amazing comfort food. More below…

Breakfast: A banana, and later a glass of fresh juice (3 oranges, 1 apple, some carrot, and a slice of ginger).

Recap of Yesterday:
Gym – 45 minutes of abs and strength training (focus on legs) and 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill

Snacks: Apple, banana
Dinner: Milanesa (a thin cut of breaded red meat), mashed potatoes, sauteed carrots & zucchini—-by Lucas. The milanesa and m’taters are the ultimate in comfort food!

Things to do today
-run 6.2 miles at Town Lake
-get truck we are borrowing for the alleged* move
-do a major apartment cleaning/purge before we move (*assuming we are moving! still not definite!)
-creative writing assignments

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The go-to dinner

Tonight is just one of those nights when I just wanted to pick up a pizza and eat ice cream and watch a movie. What’s wrong with that? Nothing.

But I thought it would be better to try to eat something a little more nutritious, especially since today’s food has been kind of meh (except for the delicious breakfast casserole!!!)

Lucas offered to oven roast some root vegetables and onions. (Still no greens in sight!)

Snack: Apple
Dinner: Chopped sweet potatoes, onions, and potatoes tossed in salt and olive oil, roasted in the oven at 420 degrees for 40 minutes.

Good night!

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Looks like Thanksgiving

Poor January. What a lonely month. It seems like all of the other months have their something, their moment to shine. But January? Who likes January? It’s like the neglected child in a family of 12. Overlooked, forgotten, sometimes hated (after all, January means the end of the holiday parties, holiday presents, holiday goodies). Sure, it’s the start of a New Year and yes, there’s MLK Day, but other than that, it’s kind of just there.

Which is why I’m bringing Thanksgiving to January! Or at least to tonight’s dinner.

Just look at those autumn colors!

Dinner: I thought we were going to do something with acorn squash, but instead we had a beautiful medley of roasted potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes. We each also ate a salad; mine was a bit more lively with its cranberries, feta cheese, and sunflower seeds.

I’m going to have a tea and either a) a few figs & dates or b) chocolate. Honestly, I just don’t know. ….Really! I’m not being facetious. Dried fruit is like candy, only better. Yum!

Good night!

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Squeaky Clean

You know that feeling of taking a shower after 3 days of camping with, well, no shower? You experience the “ahhhh” moment. You are fresh! You are clean! You are new!

Well, after 4 days of artificial this and genetically modified that, after cups of sugar and mounds of chocolate, I have finally experience my “ahhhhh” meal moment: a simple, home-cooked meal of entirely organic, unprocessed foods. My system is deeply thanking me while at the same time scolding me for having put it through such nutritional torture. (Call me sadistic; I kind of enjoyed that torture!)

Hmmm. Nutritionally satisfied. And…yea! I’m about to indulge in a candle-lit, pink bubble bath. What a fine way to end the day.

Dinner: A big ol’ salad of mixed greens, chopped apple, carrots, and sunflower seeds, followed by a plate of oven-roasted potatoes and onions, prepared with olive oil (not organic) and kosher salt (not organic).

Oh, did I ever battle back and forth with myself today. I wanted to work out, really I did, but….but….Myself and I finally reached a compromise: an at home workout of toning exercises, with a focus on abs, core, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors. 60 minutes.

Green heart:
Did you see the black heart from yesterday’s post? Well…I have gone and totally redeemed myself! I gathered a plastic bag of would-be garbage from my mom’s kitchen this morning and took it home to Austin to recycle. Glass jars, a wine bottle, plastic bottles, soda cans saved from the landfill!

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